The most formidable impediment that thwarts societal change and development is obscurantism, a baggage of the past. Yet, man’s journey towards progress continues. This journey is indeed facilitated by the efforts of some dauntless men and women born from time to time. One such fearless woman was Ellora Roychoudhury who immortalized herself by becoming the first woman in the whole of North East India to have donated her body for medical research with hopes that some day mankind will triumph over the deadly killer disease called ‘cancer’. Ellora, in her thirtees, found herself in the grips of cancer which nipped her in the bud thus terminating a life of immense possibilities. As she was dying, Ellora bequeathed her eyes with the fond hope that her eyes would bring light to someone. Stirred by a steely resolve and an enduring passion for human service and sacrifice and overcoming age-old superstitions, she donated her body for the cause of medical research.


The name of the Society shall be ‘Ellora Vigyan Mancha’ henceforth referred to as the ‘Society’ in this Constitution.


This is a voluntary, non-profit making, non-governmental organisation designed to instil in people a sense of fraternity of the ultimate order and a spirit of supreme dedication through selfless humanitarian service .


The Aims and Objectives of the Society shall be  :

(a) To inculcate scientific temper in people and to arouse in them awareness to
problems of health and hygiene, the environment, diseases and their treatment and
such other issues .

(b) To fight against all forms of obscurantism. To help people overcome superstition and
blind beliefs and to inspire them to a scientific way of life in preference to age-old
dogma and practices .

(c) To sensitise people to the importance of putting scientific knowledge to practical use for
the welfare of humanity .

(d) To propagate amongst people of all walks of life, irrespective of caste, creed,
community, religion, culture and economic status, the virtues of donating one’s blood,
while alive, and different organs including eyes, liver, kidneys or whole body after one’s
death for transplantation or for enrichment of medical science. To use for this purpose
the various means of communication and the help and collaboration of the medical
fraternity .

(e) To organise a variety of activities using suitable media with a view to building a
progressive, scientifically literate, modern and enlightened society and to promote
science and its popularization . These activities will include publication of popular
science books and magazines, pamphlets, posters and holding group discussions, public
lectures, exhibitions, projects, science quiz, conferences and seminars .

(f) To organise campaigns and movements for improving and modernising infrastructural
facilities for organ preservation and transplantation with the help and guidance of doctors and medical institutions .

(g) To act as a nodal agency by co-ordinating the activities of blood banks and eye banks,
and to maintain a list of prospective organ donors with their blood groups, addresses
and other particulars.

(h) To initiate and launch joint programmes with like-minded organisations in furtherance
of the Aims and Objectives of the Society.

(i) To help people in distress and to extend possible help to them at the time of natural


The area of operation of the Society will extend to the whole of the North Eastern States of India. The Central Office of the society shall, for the present, be located at the following address:

Hedayetpur, P.D. Chaliha Road,
P.O. Silpukhuri,
P.S. Latasil, Guwahati-781003
District-Kamrup (Metro), Assam

The office may be shifted to another address in Guwahati through a decision of the Executive Committee.
Branches of the Society and other offices may be set up at the State, District and Local levels at any places throughout its area of operation.


The Flag of the Society shall be made of white cloth the length of which shall be one and a half times its width . At the centre of the flag there shall be the emblem in light blue as printed on the cover of this Constitution


Membership of the society will be open to any person who has attained the age of 18 (eighteen) years irrespective of sex, caste, creed and religion and who owes allegiance to the Aims and Objective of the society .

Any person who desires to be a member of the Society shall have to apply in the prescribed form to the President or the General Secretary who will admit him/her to the Society on the advice of the Executive Committee and on payment of the necessary Admission Fee and Annual or Life Membership Fee.


Any member of the Society shall have the following rights/duties :

a)To elect and to be elected in any election of the Society.

b)To participate in the activities of the Society and to popularise campaigns for scientific

c)To distribute/sell pamphlets, leaflets, periodicals and other publications of the Society .

d) To submit suggestions for discussion to the Executive Committee or any Sub-Committee
on any matter related to the affairs of the Society .

e) To inspect the Books of Accounts and the proceedings of the meetings of the Society on
appointment with the General Secretary .

f) To pay his/her subscription within the prescribed time (31″ March each year).

g) To exercise his or her vote.


(a) Membership will be terminated if the Annual Subscription of a member remains in
arrears for a period exceeding six months even after a written notice is served.
However, if the Executive committee is satisfied with the reasons for such arrears, it
may consider the continuance of his/her membership provided the subscription in
arrears is paid immediately.

(b) A member shall be expelled temporarily or permanently from the Society and have
his/her name removed from the list of members if in the opinion of the Executive
Committee such a member has :

i) Conducted himself/herself in a manner prejudicial to the Aims and Objectives of the
Society, or

ii) Intentionally done any act of omission liable to injure the credibility and good name of
the Society, or

iii) Acted against the integrity and interest of the Soceity .

The said member shall be notified in writing about the proposal and the notice period shall be 15 (fifteen) days. The Executive Committee shall examine the explanation given by the member before taking a decision on the matter. A member expelled temporarily may apply for re-admission and may be re-admitted subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.


a) The Executive Committee shall consist of the following office bearers and members:
i) One President.
ii) One Working President.
iii) From 2 (two) to 5 (five) Vice-Presidents.
iv) One General Secretary.
v) From 2 (two) to 3 (three) Joint Secretaries .
vi) One Treasurer.
vii) 15 (fifteen) Executive Committee Members.
In addition, the Executive Committee may co-opt upto a maximum of 5 (five) members if it deems necessary. The co-opted members will have voting rights .
b) The Management of the Society shall be vested in the Executive Committee . This Executive Committee shall be responsible for the day-to-day management and working of the Society and will have necessary authority for taking all appropriate actions for carrying out, executing and implementing the resolutions and directives passed and conveyed by the General Body. It will have the authority to deal with any emergency affecting the interests of the Society .
c) The Executive Committee Meeting shall be held at least once in every 2 (two) months.


The Executive Committee shall perform the following functions subject to the general control of the General Body of the Society :
a) To admit members and life members
b) To take disciplinary action and to terminate the membership
c) To interact with and seek advice and suggestions from Advisers for achieving and promoting the Aims and Objectives of the Society from time to time .
d) To co-opt, if deemed necessary, a maximum of 3 (three) eminent persons to the panel of Advisers .
e) To elect Co-ordinators, if deemed necessary, from different districts to co-ordinate the activities of the Society .
f) To appoint Sub-Committees for various functions as it deems necessary for the smooth working of the Society .
g) To expend the funds of the Society and to arrange for their proper accounting and auditing .
h) To call all meetings of the General Body as prescribed.
i) To constitute, guide and supervise the functioning of State /District/Local level committees and to dissolve such committees when deemed necessary .
j) To do all such acts and take all such actions as may be necessary in furtherance of the Aims and Objectives of the Society .
k) To submit the Annual Report on the working of the Society at the Annual General Body Meeting.
l) To publish leaflets, pamphlets/magazines etc.
m) To submit the duly audited Annual Accounts of the Society at the Annual General Body Meeting .
n) To fill in interim vacancies for the Executive Members who shall hold office until the next elections.


a) All members are eligible to vote and stand for elections .
b) Election of the Executive Committee shall be held every two years at the Annual General Body Meeting .
c) Members of the General Body and the Executive Committee as well as office-bearers are eligible to serve on the various committees or sub-committees .
d) The term of office of office-bearers and Executive Committee members shall be for a period of 2 (two) years and they can stand for re-election .


a) President :
The President, when present, will preside at all meetings of the Society. He will be in over-all supervision of the activities of the Society and may direct the General Secretary to convene meetings of the Executive Committee or the General Body. The President will endorse all proceedings of meetings and amendments of the Constitution as passed by the General Body. The President will have the right of a casting vote and will exercise the same whenever the Executive Committee is equally divided.

b) Working President:
The Working President, in the absence of the President, will preside at all meetings of the Society. He will be in charge of the day-to-day affairs of the Society and will be responsible for executing the decisions of the Executive Committee and the General Body

c) Vice Presidents:
In the absence of the President and the Working President, one of the Vice Presidents will preside at all meetings of the Society. A Vice-President will serve as convener of a sub-committee when constituted. In the absence of the President, Working President and the Vice-Presidents, the members present in the General Body Meeting/Executive Committee shall elect their Chairman of that particular meeting and the Chairman will preside at such a meeting.

d) General Secretary :
The General Secretary shall work under the collective direction of the Executive Committee and shall be responsible to it. The General Secretary shall convene all meetings of the Society in consultation with the President. He/she will notify the time, place and agenda of all meetings to the members giving at least 7 (seven) days notice. The General Secretary will be the custodian of the records of the Society and shall submit the Annual Report at the Annual General Body Meeting of the Society. The proceedings and the minutes of discussions will be maintained by him/her. The General Secretary shall have the power to pass for payment of all bills for contingent expenses and will ordinarily have the authority to spend upto a maximum of Rs. 1000-(rupees one thousand) only without prior sanction of the Executive Committee but shall obtain the approval of the Executive Committee at the earliest opportunity .

e) Joint Secretaries :
The Joint Secretaries shall assist the General Secretary in the discharge of the duties of the latter. If the General Secretary is unable to function as such for any reason, the President may ask one of the Joint Secretaries to function as General Secretary and get his decision ratified by the Executive Committee at the earliest opportunity .

f) Treasurer :
The Treasurer of the Society shall be in charge of finance and shall maintain the Books of Accounts including Statements of Income and Expenditure and the Assets of the Society. He/she will submit the audited Annual Accounts of the Society to the Annual General Body Meeting.


The General Body shall be the supreme authority of the Society and shall consist of all members, including the members enrolled in the branches, and the advisers of the Society. The Annual General Body Meeting of the Society will be held each year on 15th May, which is Ellora’s death anniversary. If the meeting cannot be held on this date for unavoidable reasons, it shall be held at the earliest. Apart from the Annual General Body Meeting, there shall be at least one more meeting in the month of November/December every year. In addition, one or more Extra-ordinary General Body meetings may be held if the Executive Committee consider it necessary. Such a meeting shall also be held within a fortnight of the day on which a written requisition is received by the President from at least 50 (fifty) members or 1/5 (one-fifth) of the total number of members, whichever is less, to discuss a specific agenda.


The General Body shall be competent to transact the following business at the General Meeting :
a) To elect members of the Executive Committee including the office-bearers.
b) To elect a panel of 19 (nineteen) Advisers who will be persons of integrity and erudition in different fields. The Advisers shall hold office for a term of 2 (two) years .
c) To receive and consider the Annual Report of the Executive Committee on the affairs of the Society and to pass it with or without amendments .
d) To consider and approve the Annual Accounts.
e) To appoint auditors .
f) To chalk out policies and programmes of activities of the Society,
g) To frame rules and by-laws for the Society .
h) To consider and pass or reject any resolution or motion for which due notice has been received by the Executive Committee.


The funds of the Society shall comprise:
(a) Initial Admission fee of Rs 10/-(rupees ten) only, (b) Life Membership Fee of Rs. 300/-(rupees three hundred) only, (c) Annual Membership Fee of Rs. 50/- (rupees fifty) only, (d) Special Contributions from members, (e) Donations, Grants and Gifts received from time to time.
The Admission Fees and Annual Membership Fees for regular students shall be 50 % of the prescribed rates .
The Society shall have the right to accept or refuse any offer of grants from individuals or associations, either indigenous or foreign, if in the opinion of the Executive Committee the receipt of such grants is contrary to the ideals of the Society .
The funds of the Society shall be deposited in an account opened with a bank approved by the Executive Committee.
The funds of the Society shall be spent towards the promotion of the Aims and Objectives of the Society .


a) The Executive Committee shall ensure that accounts are kept of all sums of money received and expended by the Society. All matters in respect of receipts and expenditures and the Assets and Liabilities of the Society shall be recorded in the Books of Accounts of the Society.
b) The Books of Accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer and shall be open to inspection by any member at the office of the Society .
c) The Accounting year for the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March every year. The Annual Accounts showing the Income and Expenditure and Balance Sheet of the Society shall be presented at the Annual General Body Meeting duly audited by a competent auditor nominated by the General Body .
d) The Bank Account of the Society shall be opened and held under the signatures of any 3 (three) office-bearers, as decided by the Executive Committee, and shall be operated jointly by any 2 (two) of the 3 (three) office-bearers .


a) Branches of the Society may be set up at District or Local levels with prior approval of the central Executive Committee. State-level branches may also be set up in all the North-Eastern states of India. The branches shall function under guidance and supervision of the central Executive Committee.
b) The formation of Branches and its minimum membership strength , powers and functions, area of operations etc. shall be decided by the central Executive Committee .
c) The central Executive Committee shall have the authority to dissolve any Branch if it deems necessary in the interest of the Society.


The constitution may be amended only by a specially convened General Body Meeting given a notice of 1 (one) full month after circulation of the desired amendment. Such a General Body Meeting may amend the Constitution with 2/3rds (two-thirds) majority vote of the members present whose number shall not be less than half of The total members of the Society .


Quorum for the meetings will be as under :
General Body Meetings : 1/3rd (one-third) of the number of general members,
Executive Committee Meeting: 1/3rd (one-third) of the number of Executive Committee Meeting : 1/3rd (one-third) of the number of Executive Committee members including the office bearers .


The Society can be dissolved by a General Body Meeting called specially for the purpose provided the quorum for this meeting shall be 2/3rds (two-thirds) of the total membership. 3/4ths (three-fourths) of the members present must vote for such a dissolution .