Who We Are

Since its inception in May 2004, the Ellora Vigyan Mancha has engaged itself in fighting all forms of superstition and blind belief and for spreading scientific temper amongst the people. The major issues being taken up include : menace of ‘witch’ hunting, black magic, sorcery. wizardry, fraudulent healer or quackery, false beliefs in astrology and gemstones, so called ‘Godman’, etc.

As part of its activities, the Ellora Vigyan Mancha also takes up the issues related to people’s health and hygiene, environment and climate change, science popularization, etc.

The major activities of the organization has been the campaigns and encouragements for voluntary blood donation while alive and eye donation, organ donation or whole body donation after one’s death for trans-plantation or for enrichment of medical science and benefit of mankind.

It has also been launching joint campaigns and movements with like minded organisations in furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Mancha.

What We Do

  • Spread scientific temper and to fight superstition and blind belif.
  • Launch campaigns and movement for health awarness.
  • Encourage blood donation/ eye donation/ other human organ(s) donation/ whole body donation after death for transfusion, transplantation or medical research.
  • Instill a sense of fraternity in people through selfless humanitarian service.


Organ donation is giving an organ to help someone who needs a transplant. Kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, pancreas and the small bowel can all be transplanted.


Body Donation is the donation of the whole body after death for medical research and education. Body Donation is useful for understanding the human body and for advancing science


Blood donation refers to the process of collecting, testing, preparing, and storing blood and blood components.

Ellora Vigyan Mancha’s Science Exhibition Concludes Successfully at IIT Guwahati

The two-day State Level Science Model Exhibition, organised by Ellora Vigyan Mancha (EVM) on 6-7 July at IIT Guwahati, concluded... read more

বিশ্ব নদী দিৱস উদযাপন

২৪ ছেপ্তেম্বৰ বিশ্ব নদী দিৱস। নদী সুৰক্ষাৰ বাবে সচেতনতা বৃদ্ধিৰ লক্ষ্যৰে প্রতি বছৰৰ ছেপ্তেম্বৰ মাহৰ চতুর্থ ৰবিবাৰে এই দিৱস পালন... read more

মৰিগাঁও মহাবিদ্যালয়ত বৈজ্ঞানিক মানসিকতা আৰু অংগদান-দেহদান সন্দৰ্ভত সজাগতা সভা

মৰিগাঁও মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ হীৰক জয়ন্তী বৰ্ষ (২০২৩-২৪) উপলক্ষে এক ছেপ্টেম্বৰ, ২০২৩ তাৰিখে কলেজখনৰ আভ্যন্তৰীণ গুণ মূল্যায়ন কমিটি (IQAC), মৰিগাঁও জিলা প্ৰশাসন... read more

সুদক্ষিণা শৰ্মাৰ বিয়োগত ইলোৰা বিজ্ঞান মঞ্চৰ শোক আৰু শ্ৰদ্ধাঞ্জলি

অসমৰ সংগীত জগতৰ অন্যতম নক্ষত্ৰ, স্বনামধন্য কণ্ঠশিল্পী সুদক্ষিণা শৰ্মাৰ বিয়োগত ইলোৰা বিজ্ঞান মঞ্চই গভীৰ শোক প্ৰকাশ কৰিছে আৰু শিল্পী গৰাকীৰ... read more

About Ellora Roychoudhury

Ellora Roychoudhury passed away young, but set a sterling example even in death. Roychoudhury succumbed to cancer at her Hedayatpur residence at the age of 34, and as she had willed, her family wasted no time in handing over the body to the anatomy department of the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) for research.

It was a “donation” the college accepted with gratitude and respect, for not many people make the unselfish decision that Roychoudhury did when she was alive.

Roychoudhury’s eyes were donated to the Shankardev Netralaya. Her husband has made a similar will. We hoped Roychoudhury’s gesture would inspire others to donate their bodies.